Magical night unfolds at ‘An Evening with Jon Dorenbos’

Former longtime Philadelphia Eagle Jon Dorenbos captivated the audience with his extraordinary blend of magic, storytelling and charisma during “An Evening with Jon Dorenbos.”

Immaculata University played host to an enchanting evening of magic, inspiration and entertainment as Dorenbos took center stage. The event was organized in partnership with the Chester County Intermediate Unit (CCIU) and Immaculata University to provide entertainment with a meaningful message.

Dorenbos is now a world-renowned magician and motivational speaker. The event showcased Dorenbos' unique talents, both on and off the football field, providing the audience with an intimate look into Jon’s heart-rending story of compassion, forgiveness and grit.

Throughout the evening, Dorenbos shared his inspiring story, weaving together his experiences as a long snapper in the NFL with his magical prowess. More than just a show, the event was an opportunity for attendees to witness the magic of Dorenbos live and to be inspired by his transformative journey from adversity to resilience, exemplifying the human capacity to persevere through life’s challenges.

“We are delighted to have collaborated on 'An Evening with Jon Dorenbos,' an event that not only entertained but also inspired attendees with messages of resilience and positivity,” Andrew Reigle, the supervisor of training and consultation at the CCIU. “At the Chester County Intermediate Unit, we are dedicated to promoting student well-being and mental health awareness. Events like this provide valuable opportunities for our community to come together, engage in meaningful dialogue and find inspiration in the stories shared.”